


晋城摊馍 纯小米制作 无掺杂 无添加 拼多多搜索 晋城摊馍

<Quidway> reset saved-configuration //清除当前配置
Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device.
The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Now clearing the configuration in the device.
Info: Succeeded in clearing the configuration in the device.
<Quidway> reboot //重启设备
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: The configuration has been modified, and it will be saved to the next startup saved-configuration file . Continue? [Y/N]:N //选择N,不保存配置
Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input ‘N’ and then execute ‘reboot save diagnostic-information’.
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y //提示是否重启,选择Y重启



<Quidway> save
The current configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y
Info: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]:
flash:/vrpcfg.zip exists, overwrite?[Y/N]:y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0.
Save the configuration successfully.

